Oh, How I Love Being a Photographer on Vacation!

Some of you may have noticed that I've been on a bit of a hiatus recently- photographically speaking, that is.  This spring has been a great time for me to relax and recharge my creative juices, stock up on new gear and techniques, and just enjoy taking and editing my own pictures for a change!  It's a sad irony that the photos I take of my own family often get less attention than my clients' photos.  But this past weekend, I was able to change that- at least this time.

We were blessed by a trip to Pinetop, Arizona, where we stayed in a little cabin with family and enjoyed some simple pleasures: sunshine, a persistent warm wind, a lake, grass, and... free time.  I barely knew such a thing could exist for me!  What you see below are the results of that wonderful combination.  Enjoy!

Milo enjoyed watching the ducks on the lake while we fed them bits of bread.  He also took the opportunity to taste the various rocks and sticks in his immediate vicinity.

As the sun went down on our first full day in Arizona, my Mom had a chance to show Milo the view from our cabin balcony, which overlooked the lake.  Since he doesn't get to see Grandma too often, I was glad to capture these sweet little moments from their time together.

Ah, what's not to love about days so warm that a baby can cruise around barefoot in his cute little camper shorts?

On our long (four hour) drive back to the airport, we stopped for a brief play time at a park in Payson.  It was very literally an oasis in the desert!  Here are some parting shots of Milo enjoying the grass, and an audience.

He didn't necessarily crawl, but this picture does make it look that way, doesn't it?  In fact, he was trying to avoid having the grass touch his belly- this is becoming a great strategy!  ;)

And finally, he took a little rest to be cute.  How is it that charming people is higher on this little boy's list of priorities than walking??  Well, I can't say I am too sad about it.  It does make for great pictures!


  1. I love these Kathryn!! I can't wait to go on vacations together, and have TWO little ones!! Miss you and can't wait to see you this weekend :)
    Sara P

  2. I recall each precious moment as it was captured! I am so grateful I was able to be a part of this weekend. LOL, Mom.

  3. We are having such a wonderful time with precious Milo! He is so adorable!


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