One morning with the Cowans- Mini Shoots ~ Tacoma Child Photographer

This post is much delayed, probably due to the huge influx of work I've been getting this summer- woo-hoo! Nonetheless, our dear friends, the Cowans, deserve a session-wrap blog post of their very own, don't you think?  Now, some of you may know that I've had the honor of photographing this delightful family several times as the years have gone by.  So, what makes this session unique?

Well, This time, we tried a new approach to photographing each of the four children: four quick mini-sessions!  I was really excited to try this out, and thankfully, the kids were all on board with the idea, too.  Sometimes, in a large family, it can be easy for one child to "hang back" in the photos and for other children to get all the photo coverage.  And while this is totally normal, it's also good be aware of so that there isn't such an imbalance between one child's "photo-documented childhood" and another's!  One great way to accomplish that is by having mini-shoots, just like the four mini sessions you're about to see here.

Having a mini-shoot with each child also allowed for a lot more individual personality to come out in each child's photos.  This is my favorite reason for doing sessions in this format; each of these kids is so different, and I got to focus on those unique elements of their styles and personalities in their portraits.  What a treat!

So scroll down and take a look at these four totally cool kids!



 Thanks for taking a look, and I hope you've been inspired to try out a mini-session sometime in the future for your own little one(s)!  Have a great week!

~ Kathryn
