For those who've been keeping track (and those who haven't) my three months of maternity leave are now officially over, which means I will soon be bringing you beautiful photos of other people's families, and not only my own. Of course, my own kids still get the most photos taken of them, but it's not too common that I give their pictures the "royal treatment" of being taken with my "nice" camera and being processed with Photoshop (the norm for my professional work).
That is one reason why these past three months have been so precious to me. With just a few exceptions, I've been able to focus my creativity solely on my little ones- specifically my new little girl, Enora Elizabeth. With a busy two year old running around, these early months of my daughter's life could easily have been left to a few snapshots and my faulty memory. After all, I've had enough going on to justify being "too busy" to take pictures. But my maternity leave gave me the freedom to preserve these first 12 weeks in a much more lasting way. I gave myself and my daughter the great gift of time- perfectly preserved in those artistic little rectangles we call pictures. I know I, for one, will be forever glad to have them!
So scroll down to take a tour through the first three months of my beautiful daughter's life. I've included highlights from each of the three major photo shoots she's had, and my personal favorite photo from her birth. I hope these shots will leave you wanting more, because you'll certainly see more of this little cutie as the months and years go by!
Enora Elizabeth, born healthy and alert in water at the Tacoma Birthing Inn. |
My girl and I during her first official photo shoot. She was 10 days old. |
Her sweet feet. She's got her Daddy's toes! |
At just over a week, she already had her signature stare... |
Enora at one month old. She had already changed so much by this point! |
With big brother at their Christmas shoot. This fit nicely as her 2-month shoot. Hats knit by Mommy. :) |
She was quite the cooperative little model for me. Much easier to photograph than her 2.5 year old brother... ;) |
I'd been waiting for the perfect opportunity to use this adorable hat! |
These next shots are the most recent- from her 3 month shoot. She certainly gets more fun to photograph as she gets older! |
Those beautiful blues are not enhanced. I sure hope they stay that way! (This gorgeous pink sweater was knit for her by her great, great Aunt Alice, and I love it!) |
There's my alert little girl! Beautiful headband made by my good friend Lillie! |
Just like her brother, she seems to be quite the contemplative child. |
Her biggest smile captured on camera yet! |
Yummy arm... |
This is her most common expression. I love this little face! |
And for a parting shot, an understated little smile. |
Thank you all for looking and for checking out what I've been up to these past three months! I'm excited to be getting back into the "game" refreshed and ready to create some more lasting memories for the wonderful families I am privileged to work with. Maybe one of those families will be yours!
~ Kathryn
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