I am glad whenever I get to hang out with the Miller family, so you can imagine how I feel when they actually pay me to hang out with them. Yup: Super. Lucky. It's a win-win, folks.
To those faithful Camellia Images fans out there, you should absolutely recognize that adorable little blonde kid in the photos. He is one of my favorite clients, the child responsible for my
most popular photo ever, and an all-around cool guy. His parents aren't bad, either. ;)
Since we were right up into the Christmas season, we decided to do a casual mini session, and we chose an easy location- the back half of my mother-in-law's property, which had all manner of endearing features: a carpet of fallen leaves, beautiful trees, a rope swing, a tree house, a chicken coop, and even a whimsical little wishing well. You may also notice an unusual feature in these photos... a certain canine Miller family member. Yes, that little bundle of fur and energy is their new puppy, and he tagged along, too! (I must say, he was surprisingly good at looking at the camera when I said his name!)
I could describe all of the fun things we did, but you might as well just scroll through the photos below. Enjoy!
This one cracks me up every time. |
He's good looking, AND he knows it. |
A boy and his dog both exploring nature. That's admittedly a very cool fungus. |
The wishing well! |
I love, love, love this odd little shot. Knowing that he was looking straight down the well, but not wanting to catch my own face in the water below, I held my camera over the opening and just started taking pictures. This one happened to catch his reflection pretty clearly! Wishing wells are magical, which must mean that photos taken in wishing wells are also magical. Right? |
An in-between shot, but so hip. |
Aw- what a cute family they are! |
Real life + Portrait session = Real life portraits. |
Well, there you have it, folks! I bet you wish you knew them, too, now, eh? Or maybe you already do, and now you'll just love them all the more! Thanks for looking, everyone, and have a great weekend!
~ Kathryn
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