This past summer, I had a truly unique experience as a photographer, and one that I certainly couldn't pass up! My dear friend Sara recently found her long lost sister, Lacy (I won't go into it here, but you can ask her; it's a great story!) and I got to be there to take photos of their families playing and interacting together. It's like a Hallmark movie- only weirder- and better! ;)
Our locations were an easy choice- some beautiful and kid-friendly spots between Chugwater and Wheatland that we're pretty familiar with. We picked a very old playground behind a one-room schoolhouse, the nearby railroad tracks, and some cliffs above Goshen Hole.
We had such a fun time setting up shots, orchestrating all the moving pieces (ie: children), and pushing our way through said childrens' moods and attitudes. Ha! With 10 kids total, there was bound to be some drama. ;)
That said, it really was as fun as it looked. These families love each other so much- and the cousins all played together so well- especially considering that they'd only just met that same week! It was a joy and a blessing for me to tag along and capture these special moments for them. I'm already looking forward to next time!
The oldest cousin and the youngest cousin. So sweet! |
Stop it. That expression... the sunlit hair... the pink shoes pointed inward... the glamour is effortless! |
Sisters on a swing! They are so cute together. <3 |
The whole gang! You can click on the photo to see it larger. This will be a fun shot to recreate over the years! |
Did I mention we had some slight drama? Haha! This was a case of the camera capturing an image at exactly the right moment... |
These kids really are such a fun crew. |
"Just interact naturally..." You know, on a cliff, at sunset, with 13 people watching you. ;) |
Those faces! I love it. |
...aaand this was when the littlest one started to lose it. In his defense, he did a great job for most of the shoot. |
Cutest couple award! <3 |
I think that's as good a place as any to end it. Go get a room, you two! ;) |
Believe it or not, there were even MORE adorable photos where those came from. This was just a smattering of my favorites. And like I said, I fully expect there to be photos next time, too! Right, Sara? Lacy? I'm down!
Thanks for looking, everybody!
~ Kathryn
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