Gather round, folks, for some adorable photos of one of my favorite families ever: the Marinkos! This happy bunch came up to my place two Septembers ago to take some photos in my neighbor's sunflower field, and I am only just now posting about it (sorry!).
(Over the next few days I'm going to be posting more "catch-up" posts from sessions I've done over the past few years and just never blogged about.)
Truly, when you have an entire field of these things growing right next door, how can a photographer resist the urge to take some pictures? I sure couldn't! And don't worry, no sunflowers were harmed in the making of these photos.
As for our process, it was pretty simple. We went out at sunset, when the light was dramatic and golden- my favorite- and they just talked and interacted as naturally as a family can when someone is pointing a camera at them. The shots came together easily and we all had a lot of fun!
I hope you enjoy checking out these highlights of my time with the Marinkos, and let me know if you want a sunflower field photo shoot too this fall!
Oh, I just love them so much! Children grow up and parents may age a little bit, but these photos won't change at all over the years! Now if that isn't a reason to stop and smell the sunflowers, I don't know what is... ;)
~ Kathryn
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