Tacoma Family Photographer- Thanksgiving Morning with the Kramers!

I love my work.  I just love it.  Anyone would HAVE to love their work in order to go outside in the windy, drizzly-cold late November weather on- of all days- Thanksgiving.  It helped that I was joined by our good friends, the Kramer Family.  They were with us for just a short visit, and we wanted to make the most of it by getting some good family portraits.

Our chosen location was one of my personal favorites- Chamber's Bay.  The site is built around some "ruins" from an old sand and gravel mine, and is poised right beside the beautiful Puget Sound- with an amazing view of several of the islands.  Unfortunately, we didn't really see much of that gorgeous stuff; we were too busy keeping our heads down to avoid the biting wind.  Our shoot was brief- just 30 minutes- but we were highly motivated by the cold and got several great shots!

One thing was very evident in this shoot- there is a lot of love in this little family!  Of course, being their friend, I already knew that.  But as I've mentioned before, I know I've hit the jackpot with a shoot when that love shows through the pictures as clearly as it does here.  Take a look for yourself and see what you think!  (Click on any photo to see it larger.)

I just love this age!  I can say that because this little lady is just two weeks older than Milo.  The whole world is opening up!

What a beautiful couple!  Am I right?  Yup, I am.  :)

These were a fun little series.  We were between "formal" shots and they were just taking a warm-up break.  These are probably some of my favorite photos ever!  I guess that just goes to show that you never know when a perfect moment will present itself; you just better have your finger on the shutter!

This was the point in the shoot when they were done, and I was still shooting.  Those last few moments always have a sort of candor that you just can't duplicate.  As you can tell, on the technical side of things, it was getting a bit wet and windy out!  Good thing I put my camera away when I did!

There you have it, friends!  This was such a delightful shoot, despite the wind and the cold and the rain.  I was so honored to share these moments with the Kramers and get a little peek into their family life.  Thanks, you guys, for starting out my Thanksgiving on such a joyful note!

~ Kathryn
